Electrical Installations UK
Whatever the process and whatever the function ICE has a solution.
From 24V dc to 33kV systems including bus and control networks.
- Containment systems.
- 2D and 3D modelling to reduce waste and prevent on site clashes.
- HV System.
- LV Distribution including mains and sub-mains.
- LV cabling to all motors, drives and other consumers.
- Instrumentation Specification & Design.
- CHP Engine Cable design.
- Small power and lighting.
- Containment Systems designed on REVIT-EXAMPLE BELOW.
Materials are chosen to suit the environment and Installation Cabling systems are selected including:
- Bus systems
- Fibre Networks
- IEC 61850
- Controls-Softskin cabling,BS5308,SWA Multicore
- Power cabling-designed and certified voltage ranges include : 24V,110V,230V,400V,690V